CDARS Club Meetings

Face-to-face club meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month between 20:00 – 22:00. Our club HQ is  Ashley Green Memorial Hall, just north of Chesham (HP5 3PN) – locator IO91QR

Ashley Green Memorial Hall is located in the small village of Ashley Green, on the A416 Chesham to Berkhamsted road.  The hall is in Two Dells Lane – turn off the A416 at the parish church.  There is a large private car park, and the hall is an accessible building.

The first meeting of the month (2nd Wednesday) is an informal meeting, and is now held in the Golden Eagle pub, Ashley Green. Informal meetings are an opportunity to socialise with members, and to discuss forthcoming activities.

The second meeting of the month (4th Wednesday) is more formal with a talk, video, demonstration etc. and is held in Ashley Green Memorial Hall.


22 January 2025CDARS AGMAshley Green Memorial Hall
29 January 2025Informal meetingGolden Eagle pub, Ashley Green
5 February 2025Club netGB3TU
12 February 2025InformalGolden Eagle pub, Ashley Green
19 February 2025Club netGB3TU
26 FebruaryFormal meetingAshley Green Memorial HallTopic TBA


On Wednesdays when there is not a club meeting we hold an on the air net via GB3TU.   DETAILS HERE


Some club meetings at Ashley Green are now being recorded so members not able to (or reluctant to) attend meetings in person can still take advantage of the topics discussed. MORE HERE


When we are not able to meet face-to-face, on Wednesdays when there should be a club meeting we hold online meetings via Zoom.  Zoom details are available to club members, and are regularly sent via email on the club email list.  MORE HERE